How to Gain Muscle for Hard Gainers - You Must Eat More

How to Gain Muscle for Hard Gainers - You Must Eat More

Actually, the title of this article should have been, hard gainers you must always strive to eat more-or even-you must force your self to eat more.

The reason I say this is because most (and again there are ALWAYS exceptions) hard gainers have small appetites and fast metabolisms.

This lack of appetite is compounded by the fact that they feel they are stuffing themselves-and in truth they probably really do feel this way-but it is still not a lot of food.

O.K. Some of you might be thinking, not protein shakes-I thought that solid food was better.
In most cases it is, but again, you must adapt to the situation, as it is a lot easier for a hard gainer with little to no appetite to drink a protein shake then it is from him/her to eat a couple of chicken breasts.
Think about it, one-or two scoops of a high quality whey protein powder along with some natural peanut butter blended in will provide plenty of good quality protein and healthy fats-and it only takes minutes to prepare and drink.

Compare this to having to cook up (even if it is in the microwave) some chicken breasts and then having to sit down and eat them-because to a young man or woman with a small appetite two chicken breasts can look to be simply a gigantic amount of food-man I wish I had this problem!

Some of you might be thinking, why not simply use a weight gainer instead of a straight whey protein shake? Good question.

First, I really do not think that there are many high quality weight gainers out there.
Second, when you use a high quality whey protein shake as your base, you are free to add to it whatever you like, from the above natural peanut butter, to almond butter, to a banana.
Remember the better you eat the better you will look.

Most hard gainers think they have to stuff themselves-nothing could be further from the truth. Carry several shakers filled with a high quality whey protein with you throughout the day and have one every two hours or so.

When you do have time to sit down to a real food meal, again do not stuff yourself, just work at eating a little bit more every couple of days or so. You will see, gradually, your ability to eat more will increase and when you combine this with hard and heavy training- good things will result.

For the hard gainer with a fast metabolism and no appetite to speak of, putting on weight can seem almost impossible.

But I know if you follow the advice above, you will find your appetite and with it your weight steadily climbing.

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How to Gain Muscle for Hard Gainers - You Must Eat More


  1. Good approach, I think alot of hardgainers think they have to take in huge amounts of calories via a weightgainer all at once. But getting 100 to 200 calories at a time would probably be more efficient. Also, hardgainers should sip some calories while they workout.

    Good post!

  2. thanks for your comment bro ^_^
