Beginning Bodybuilding Tips

Have you finally decided it's time to transform your body through weight lifting? If so, you'll be happy to know that there are many different tips and strategies you can utilize to increase your chances of success. You don't have to have any previous experience or expertise. These tips for the beginning bodybuilder will help you achieve your goals and get the body of your dreams.

1. Focus on Compound Exercises - Compound exercises are defined as those that require the use of more than one joint to perform. The squat, the bench press, the dead lift and the clean and press are all examples of compound exercises. Those four exercises are probably the most effective muscle builders of any others, and it's no coincidence that they are all compound movements. Compound exercises incorporate more muscle groups at once, allowing you to target your largest muscles and to have them working together at once for maximum muscle growth.

2. Don't Over-Train - It's tempting for the beginning bodybuilder to want to get in the gym for a few hours every day of the week. But especially when you are just starting out this is going to lead to your muscles being overworked, which will slow down the growth process and could lead to injury. To start your program, don't weight train more than 3 or 4 times a week and don't train the same muscle group more than once a week.

3. Eat and Drink! - One of the most important tips for the beginning bodybuilder is that you have to eat and drink appropriately to match your hard work in the gym. Many gains are undone by not following up a workout with a dose of protein. Your body needs at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight when you are trying to gain muscle mass. Your body also needs to get a load of protein immediately after a workout, within 30-60 minutes to maximize growth and repair. You'll also need to drink plenty of water throughout the day, to keep you hydrated and energetic for your workout and to keep your body's metabolism working at a high rate.

4. Use Weights You Can Handle - You don't have to impress anybody or worry about what the guy next to you is lifting. Using more weight than you can handle will ruin your form, limit your growth and could cause serious injuries. Use a slow progression with your weights, first taking the time to master the form of each exercise perfectly. Only once you have the form down should you begin to increase your weight.

5. Keep Reps Low - The ideal range for bodybuilding and packing on muscle mass is 4-6 repetitions per set. This is opposed to a toning workout which may call for 15 or more repetitions per set. Be sure to keep your reps low and do so by using a weight you cannot handle for more than 6 repetitions. Once you can do more than 6, it's time to increase that weight for the next session.

Follow these tips for the Beginning Bodybuilder and you'll begin seeing great success right out of the gate with your new workout program. Like anything else though, there is no magic pill for success, you'll have to put in the hard work at the gym to see results.
Stay Fit!
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