Seven Week Extreme Arm Workout

By Chris G Pap 

One of the most important things in bodybuilding is body symmetry. A symmetrical body is the one where all body parts are being trained and developed equally. However, sometimes you need to focus your training to specific body parts more than others. The reason is that due to individual genetics, certain body parts grow faster and better than others. I am sure that you have noticed people who have a wide chest or big arms before they even start training.

So, in order to achieve body symmetry the only way is to focus your workout to the weaker body parts without neglecting of course the rest of the body. Since the majority of the male population dream of having big arms, I will suggest an extreme seven weeks killer arm workout for those who believe that their arms need drastic improvement.

Week One
In this first week you need to smoothly adapt and prepare your arms to what is coming to them the following weeks. You will work on your arms twice this week. Preferably on Monday and on Thursday, in order to allow a resting period of three days. You must hit your arms really hard right from the beginning. Choose three bicep and three triceps exercises and perform those combined (super-sets). Lift about 80% of your maximum weight lift and keep your rep range around 10 reps. Do not rest more than 35 seconds between the sets and no more than 90 seconds between the exercises. In previous articles, I suggested specific exercises for both biceps and triceps. However, in this article I will only describe the workout method.

Week Two
After the first week, you will probably have sore arms. This is normal and it means that you have done a great job. During the second week you will let your arm muscles recover and prepare for the following three weeks, which are going to be the main core of our training. So, train your arms on Monday and Thursday again, but use only about 60% of your maximum weight lift. Increase your rep range at 12 reps per set and allow yourself resting periods of 45 seconds between sets and two minutes between exercises.

Weeks Three to Six
Now is the time to really exhaust and destroy muscle fibers. You will train your arms three times a week (Monday-Wednesday-Friday). Lift as much as you can and keep your rep range at eight reps. Rest for 30 seconds between the sets and for 80 seconds between exercises. The most important thing during this phase is to keep intensity at the highest level. If in any point you feel that you are not in the verge of fainting, then add more weight or do some reps extra. After leaving the gym you shouldn't be able to lift your arms higher than your eye level.

Week Seven
Now is the time to give your arms the chance to recover and capitalize the work of the previous four weeks. Do not even think about continuing the previous tempo if you want to avoid over-training. Over-training is a situation where after long extreme training cramps, fatigue, injuries and mental exhaustion appear. Switching to normal arms workout in time will not get you in any risky situations. So, during this last week do what you did on week two and make sure to decrease the intensity of your arms workout. After week seven, you can return to your normal training sessions.

If you follow this training method and combine it with proper supplementation and nutrition, you will witness your arms grow like they never did before. Nevertheless, no matter how excited you are I wouldn't recommend following this arm workout more than twice a year. After all, the rest of your body also needs your attention.

Keep those muscles pumping!
Chris G Pap
Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area.Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition.
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