How to Properly Gain Muscle Mass the Right Way

 How to Properly Gain Muscle Mass the Right Way

A lot of men want to know just how to get muscles, the problem is however that most men don't know how to go about building muscle the proper way. After long hard workouts in the gym, 5 days a week, they still do not see the gains they want to see. Often times this is when men get discouraged and can't seem to figure out just what is going wrong in their workout plan. Well, in this article, I'm going to take a look at some of the major problems that cause men not to be able to gain muscle mass.
This is probably the biggest issue when it comes to men not being able to put on muscle mass, they over-train. Over-training is just what it sounds like, working muscles so much they don't grow because they don't have time to repair and recover. In the gym, the key is to just stimulate the muscle and then allow the muscle proper time to recuperate and grow. That is why I suggest working muscle groups 1 time per week. A full weight workout at the gym should not take longer than 50 minutes. Anything over 50 minutes and you are really just getting into the area of over-training.
So just what should you be doing in the gym? Well in a nutshell, to gain muscle, 4 exercises per body part works great. Two warm up sets with 12 to 15 reps, two heavy sets with 6 to 8 reps and then on to the next exercise. Remember, if you are not burning between reps 6 to 8, you need to go up in weight.
Diet and Nutrition
Here's another huge area where a lot of men fail, with diet and nutrition. In order to grow properly, men you are going to have to take in some serious calories so your body can repair and grow. When you work out you are burning calories and you need to put more calories back into your body in order to repair and well you guessed it, grow!
I suggest eating 5 to 6 meals a day and adding a quality whey isolate protein supplement. So here's how you do it, if you weigh 100 pounds, you want to multiply 100 by 1.5. This gives you 150. This is the number of grams of protein you want every day. So now you divide 150 by 5 to give you 30 and that is how many grams of protein you want per meal. Do this same calculation for carbohydrates but using the number 2. So in other words, if you weight 100, you are going to be eating 200 grams of carbohydrates per day.
If you continue to eat consistently and take in the proper amount of calories, and the right calories like protein and complex carbs, you won't have any other choice but to grow muscle mass!
Here's a huge problem that we all tend to have with everything we try to do, consistency. In order to really grow muscle mass and make significant gains, you are going to need to stay consistent. This means no skipping workouts and no skipping meals. When you skip workouts and skip meals you can definitely expect to not see any significant gains. The key to gaining muscle mass is consistently doing a number of things over and over.

Check out the answer to the question of, " How to get muscles?" Take a look at the workout plan that took me from 120 to 200 pounds! This workout will help you definitely gain muscle mass the right way!
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How to Properly Gain Muscle Mass the Right Way

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