Planning And Building A Better Body

 By Phillip L Harrison

Never has there been a better time in history of the sport of body building to join it. The sport has come a long way since its heydays of the 1970's. Body building legends like Lou Ferrigno and Arnold Schwarzenegger, blazed a trail in perfecting many of the techniques and exercises that are still being used very effectively today.

Before these body builders there was a founding generation of body builders who ushered in the world of piling up muscle in the days when it wasn't conceived of. People like, Scott Wilson, Charles Atlas and Dan Lurie. These 'founding fathers' of body building and others have invented and perfected techniques and forms of lifting as well as ideologies of nutrition and lifestyle that paved the way, so that others could benefit from using them in the gym There is no need to reinvent the wheel, it is already spinning, just jump on!

Many people have no clue about how to train or what foods to eat to maximise their efforts. It is the purpose of this article to shed some light on the basics of entering into the gargantuan world of the body builders or the elite and toned look based lifestyle of the fitness trainers. The main purpose of this article is to help you begin to make a plan that will work for you!

In beginning assembly of any routine that is going to be of benefit, simplicity is the essence that will carry them forward to the next level. The first step is to look at the goals of what is in reality achievable over the course of a few weeks. Setting these types of short term goals is the most important step on the path of body building and fitness. The notions and dreams of instantly becoming a Schwarzenegger or Lee Priest aka "the myth" should be dismissed from your immediate plans.

The truth of working out is that changes will happen to muscle structure and growth in a relatively short time, but it may not be noticeable immediately to the person who is just starting out with their new training program. Seek help in putting a plan together and a weight training schedule. Don't reinvent the wheel; there are many sources of guidance on the market place today. Weight lifting and body building and nutrition are a multibillion dollar industry each year. Subscribe to some of the magazines and fitness web sites that are out there and you will learn a lot of things about this game, very quickly.

When designing a routine, try to break it into the main basic muscle groups. The back, shoulders, legs, and chest groups, are the main ones to start with. Doing this will simplify a new persons point of reference for each group, and since our bodies don't isolate muscles in the real world, this way of thinking about muscles in terms of "the groups", facilitates a more natural look when all is said and done. Within each of the main muscle groups it will be important to train the targeted muscles. In thinking along these lines the body builder is identifying the muscle they desire to train and targeting them with a set of exercises and with purpose!

In building a proper training program that covers each of these muscle groups and yet isolates the exact muscle that the person is attempting to "hit". Some of the experts would say that it is important to not over train any muscle group; and in order to prevent this, that they should be broken out onto different training days. The idea behind this is that all of the muscle groups actually do overlap. If a person trains one series of muscles there are others in the next group that may be getting hit during the same workout. By exercising each muscle group on a different day the body builder is in fact separating and isolating the targeted muscles while allowing the other muscles to recover. In this way most of the people who utilize this type of "one day one group" system can condense their program down to a four or five days a week system.

By training two muscle groups on the same day that are not going to have an effect on each other, and by training a different muscle group the following day that also won't be over trained; the body builder is streamlining the amount of physical training time that they need to hit each group and still rest the muscles that were trained on a previous day. An example of a typical 5 day routine would be as follows.

Day one - Back and Biceps
Day two - Legs
Day three - Shoulders and Calves
Day four - Chest and Triceps
Day 5 - Repeat day one or take day off
By spreading out the training of each muscle group a longer cycle of training is achieved without over fatiguing the muscles. Although there are people who only train one muscle group per day, it isn't as efficient as the workout that allows more groups to be trained on the same day. The trick is to not over train anyone group. The feeling that not enough has been done to hit the muscle is common on one day one muscle group types of programs.

By training more groups the body exhausts it daily levels of muscular energy, and satisfaction is achieved. Try the two groups a day program before necking it back to just one group. The only exception to this rule of course is leg day. Because the leg muscles constitute the largest muscles in the body, it is important to give them their own day. Anyone who has properly trained legs on a "good day" will understand this. If they have been totally "hit" even walking down stairs becomes difficult for a few days. The above program cycle is just a suggestion, but it is a very common alteration for training in most gyms, and seems to suit the variety of training schedules most people can afford. 7 day programs just aren't feasible for people with full time jobs and families.

A combination of diet and exercise and getting enough rest and sleep will begin the new body builder on their path to the physique that they are after. By resting muscles for a day the muscle group has time to replenish its cellular energy levels and be ready for the next workout. Drinking plenty of water will hydrate the body and carry the much needed nutrients to the muscles so that they can grow. A secondary benefit to keeping the body hydrated is to wash away any lactic acid buildups that are happening to the muscles on their days off. By the time the body builder gets back to that muscle group in the four or five day period, the muscle is ready and recovered enough to begin the process all over again.

In other articles the requirements for a well thought out training program and system of nutrition that will work for each body builder will be discussed. The main thing is to become familiar with the weights and equipment in the gym that you are using, and decide how best to apply them towards a routine that will build muscle. Not all gyms have exactly the same equipment, but if the gym panders to the bigger body builders, rest assured that there is sufficient equipment to begin with!

The trick though is to stick to that "simple plan" for the first few months. The grandiose ideas that fitness and strength can be gained over the short term is a dangerous one, and should be dismissed. The use of artificial means of muscle enhancement and those short cuts that you will hear about are dangerous and harmful to your body. There truly are no shortcuts that can make your body better than simple plans and hard work. The movement of "pumping iron" was implemented by guys and girls who led the way in the world of body building, if the newbies to the world of body building read their writings over time, it will quickly become evident that many of them had tried the short cut methods with sometimes drastic results.

There Is nothing more detrimental to this life style or training programs than an injury. If a newcomer to the sport pushes the envelope to hard too fast, the resultant payoff is "time off" because it's virtually impossible to train when muscle groups are torn and health problems arise from the use of steroids and metabolic enhancements are factored in. Another truth to the world of body building and fitness is that it is not just a sport; it can be considered a lifestyle. As such it is not only a social setting where friendships and trusts can develop, but also a place where a person can feel good about their achievements and proud of overcoming the obstacles that are intrinsic to the sport of body building! Stay well, stay fit, and keep on training.

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  1. Most of us uses the wrong method of building muscle. They want a to get the result faster. Thank you for reminding us on how to build muscle in a proper way without encountering muscle pain at all.
