How To Build Muscle And Lose Fats At The Same Time

 By Alvin J Chua 

Some people wish to lose fat, while others are desperate to build muscle. It seems like information on the Internet are separated into losing fats and building muscle. There seems to be no reconciliation between losing weight and gaining muscle. When you shed those bothersome fats, it seems like you will lose muscle along with them. So how do you deal with this problem?

There are basically a few ways you can achieve the ultimate goal of gaining muscles and losing fats at the same time, and they are popular diets known as carbohydrates cycling and intermittent fasting. Carbohydrate cycling is a diet where you will take in very low levels of carbohydrates for two to three days, then increasing back to normal levels for one day. This cycle is then repeated, thus the name carbohydrates cycling. The second popular way to go about achieving this goal is intermittent fasting. It is basically a type of diet where you are only allowed to eat normal amounts of foods within a window span of about seven to eight hours in the day. You are only to drink plain water for the remaining of the day, with zero food consumption.

Although both of the above methods will work when combined with a great exercising regimen, I recommend you an entirely different method. From my personal experience, losing fats and building muscle at the same time is really simple if you were to adhere to a few principles for your diet and your exercise routine. The following are some of these important principles.

Firstly, you need to be in a slight calorie deficit. This calorie deficit should not be taken to the extreme or you will risk losing muscle mass along with fats. However, you still need to maintain in a calorie deficit or you will find losing fats impossible.

Next, you must increase the intensity of your exercises performed over time. It is crucial for maintaining your muscle mass while shedding unsightly fats. Being in a calorie deficit may risk you losing your hard-gained muscles, and thus by incorporating progressive overload into your exercise regimen, you will be able to prevent that from happening.

Lastly, you should get rid of all junk foods in your diet. You may be in a calorie deficit, but as long as you are consuming tons of junk foods, you will find losing fats a lot harder. Junk foods such as French fries and biscuits are full of empty calories and potentially trans-fats, which are the unhealthiest type of fats which cannot be lost from our bodies.

If losing weight quickly without losing muscle is your goal, then be sure to check out Alvin's customized fat loss review, a review of a critically acclaimed dieting program!
Also make sure to visit Alvin's blog for more tips on how to lose weight!
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